Category Archives: Culture

Art Knows No Prejudice

We all have that thing we’ve wanted to continue since our younger days, like photography, hockey and poetry, but never got around to it. My List has guitar, art and basketball. Can you believe I haven’t touched a paintbrush since my AS Art Exam which was 3 years ago..ouch so about two weeks ago my Sensei, her name is Manami asked me to paint something for an event that the Japanese Embassy was having.

So I brushed the dust off my paintbrush and two hours later ….

Art knows no prejudice, art knows no boundaries, art doesn’t really have judgement in its purest form” –  K.D.Long

Art has the power to go beyond the limits of politics and religion. It offers a path to a higher self.
What you feel when you hear ” We are the world” .. ??
There must be reason why artist like Emmanuel Jaal  use music to spread their message. In his case,to overcome ethnic and religious division and motivate the youth.
Think about it!


The Ancient Art of Bonsai

As a known Japan enthusiast, it comes to no surprise to some of you that the first thing I write about is ‘The Ancient Art of Bonsai‘.

The bonsai is not a species of tree, it’s actually two words put together: “Bon” which means ‘tray’ and “Sai” meaning planting. Literally, bonsai is the art of growing plants in a tray.
It originated from China but as we all know the Japanese do everything better than everyone. Their Bonsai masters demonstrated the art in Europe a century ago and it’s been popular worldwide ever since.

Enough wikipedia…

These are both : Genus Pistacia

We moved into this house about the same time I was born. ‘Tousan’ (an informal way of saying dad in japanese) planted this tree and wired two trunk into a spiral DNA shape. I remember thinking our tree was more special than any other in the world because of this.
So this together with my obsession with Japan is what inspired the idea to make this tree a bonsai and a traditional Cypress Bonsai.

Bonsai is not about ‘owning’ the art, but rather the enjoyment of caring for them and especially creating them.
