
Whenever I’m introduced to someone new the conversation follows the same pattern: Is that your real name, Is that Kenyan, So where are you from..

My real name is Zjukamu, I’m a Kenyan of the 43rd tribe and that is where my name comes from.

Now that we’ve exchanged pleasantries I can welcome you on this journey across millions of synapses, where ill share my thoughts, experiences and more. Why..you ask?
Because as some people may think the most beautiful things in the world are sunsets, exotic creatures or structures that have outlived cultures. I think the most beautiful thing is the human mind and that’s the one thing I have to offer to this world…

I’ve come to realize that the best way I can express all this is with my my art.


  1. Human mind it is…I’m first in line with the largest plate for what serving you offer

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